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General Education
Education not included under special education; also called Regular Education.

The use of previously learned knowledge or skills under conditions different from which they were originally learned; stimulus generality occurs when a student performs a behavior in the presence of relevant stimuli other than those that were present originally.

Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure
The most severe type of seizure, in which the individual has violent convulsions, loses consciousness, and becomes rigid. Formerly called Grand Mal Seizure.

Genetic Counseling
A discussion between a specially trained medical counselor and persons who are considering having a baby about the chances of having a baby with a disability, based on the prospective parents’ genetic backgrounds.

An eye disease characterized by abnormally high pressure inside the eyeball; if left untreated, it may cause total blindness.

Grand Mal Seizure
See Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure.

Graphic Organizer
Pre-made graphic outline used to organize general information and ideas.

Gross Motor
The use of large muscles for activities requiring strength and balance (i.e. walking, running, etc.).

Group Home
A community-based residential alternative for adults with disabilities, most often persons with mental retardation, in which a small group of people live together in a house with one or more support staff.

Group-Oriented Contingency
A type of behavior management and motivation procedure in which consequences (rewards and/or penalties) are applied to the entire group or class of students and are contingent upon the behavior of selected students or the entire group.

Guided Notes
A handout that guides students through a lecture, presentation, or demonstration by providing a format that includes basic information and cues students to note key points.


 *See Reference Information


Last Updated on June 20, 2010

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